
This is the site of yamocapital.com, a platform for my insights, thoughts and analyses of investments. It is not an investment advisory service and readers who take such action, do so at their own risk.

The portfolio is akin to managing a closed fund of a private family office whose objectives are capital protection from inflation while still being able to draw down a maximum of 4% from a combination of dividends generated and capital gains without affecting the principal.

The portfolio targets absolute performance returns in US dollar terms.

It is not a trading website and its core principle of investing is in using capital that is not required for any other purpose for a minimum of 3 years.

I have been presiding over my portfolio for more than 12 years including during the global financial crisis, the European debt crisis, fears of China’s hard landing as well as the current trade wars and over that time, I have managed to achieve compounded returns partly due to 3 year capital retention periods; hence why capital allocation is such a key component to successful investing.

I expect this to be a rather boring website because a good investment portfolio is akin to “watching paint dry”.

I also plan to blog about other topics which may be tangential to investing, some of which may be rather oblique to it!